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Event Details

Event: Community Cookout and Ground Breaking Ceremony
Date: Saturday June 10th
Time: 11:30AM - 1:30PM
Location: Dosher Hospital Back Entrance at E. 9th and N. Atlantic Ave.
Description: Dosher Memorial Hospital will hold a community cookout and ground- breaking ceremony in conjunction with their 93rd birthday celebration. The cookout location and time are the back entrance of the hospital (where E. 9th St. meets N. Atlantic Ave.) on Saturday June 10th from 11:30am – 1:30pm. All are welcome to join Dosher staff, members of the Dosher Trustees, Dosher Volunteers, and hospital leaders for a cookout lunch, birthday treat, and musical entertainment.

At 12:30pm, hospital leaders and trustees will greet guests and then hold a ground-breaking ceremony to commemorate the start of Phase 1 of the hospital’s Master Facility Plan, which will include the building of a brand new 8,000 square foot Emergency Department on the corner of 9th and N. Howe Streets.

There is no charge to attend. Pre-registration is not required but is appreciated. Call 910-457-3900 for more information or to RSVP or click on the link below.