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Event Details

Event: Operation Medicine Cabinet
Date: Wednesday April 2nd
Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Location: Dosher Hospital Front Entrance 924 N. Howe St. Southport
Description: Operation Medicine Cabinet is a drive through drug take back event which enables local residents to drop off unwanted and expired prescription medications at the front entrance of the hospital without having to leave their vehicles. Operation Medicine Cabinet helps prevent drug misuse and minimizes environmental impacts by providing an alternative to household disposal methods.

Operation Medicine Cabinet will take place on Wednesday, April 2nd, between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm at the Dosher Hospital front entrance at 924 N. Howe Street Southport.

Sharps containers will not be accepted at this event, however, Dosher staff members will have information on hand on how to safely dispose sharps at home.

Please note: Dosher is unable to collect any medications outside of the published hours of this event. Participants who arrive early will be asked to hold onto their medications until 9:00 am. Community members who arrive after 1:00 pm will be directed to other local safe medication disposal locations. These measures are for the safety of our staff and community, and Dosher appreciates everyone’s understanding.

For questions about Operation Medicine Cabinet, call the Dosher office of Marketing and Community Relations at 910-457-3900 or email
Contact: Ilene Evans - Director, Marketing & Community Relations
924 N. Howe St.
Southport, NC 28461