Mission and purpose
The Dosher Memorial Hospital Foundation is a 501(C)(3)not-for-profit organization which has taken on the mission of enhancing the quality of healthcare for the people within the service area of Dosher Memorial Hospital by seeking and allocating philanthropic funds.
The purpose of the Foundation is to obtain funds through charitable giving, to administer those funds, and to allocate them to Dosher Hospital. These funds are used for the purpose of enhancing patient care, healthcare research, providing health-related education, and purchasing clinical equipment and facilities.
The Dosher Foundation's volunteer board of directors is made up of a broad spectrum of community members, and is charged with the responsibility of managing donations and allocating Foundation funds, either as directed by the donor or so as to maximize the effectiveness of the contribution.
The members of the Dosher Memorial Hospital Foundation Board are:
- Trisha Howarth (Chair)
- Linda Sharkey (Vice Chair)
- Tish Hatem(Secretary)
- Libby Featherston, (Treasurer)
- Jwantana Gardner Frink
- Beccy Hager
- Beckie Armstrong
- Dana Hamilton
- David Miller
- Gail Jackson
- Lisa Fitzgerald
- Linda Sharkey
- Mary Lockin
- Maurice Smith
- Melanie Roberts
- Melody Ryan
- Thomas Jarvis
- Tish Hatem
- Randy Jones
- Ray Raynor
- Susan Rabon
Foundation Board Support:
- Lynda Stanley (CEO/President)
- Antonette McAndrews (Foundation Development Specialist)
In order to provide you, your family and our community with the highest quality of care close to home, the Foundation needs your support. Contributions are often made for a variety of reasons: in honor of a joyous occasion; as a token of appreciation for quality medical care; or as a lasting tribute to a loved one. Whatever the reason, regardless of the amount, each gift is gratefully appreciated and acknowledged in an appropriate manner by the Dosher Hospital Foundation.