Dosher Memorial Hospital Directory
The area code for Southport, NC is: 910
The hospital's main number is: (910) 457-3800
Below is a list of frequently called numbers. For departments not listed here,
please call the hospital main number and press "0" for the Operator.
Department/Service |
Phone Number |
Main Hospital Number |
457-3800 |
Administration |
457-3910 |
Cardiac Rehabilitation |
457-3871 |
Cardiopulmonary |
457-3891 |
Case Management |
457-3933 |
Compliance Office |
586-212-9904 |
Community Relations |
457-3900 |
Diabetic Education |
454-4731 |
Diagnostic Imaging |
457-3881 |
Diagnostic Imaging Scheduling |
457-3948 |
Dietitian/Nutritional Counseling |
454-4731 |
Emergency Department |
457-3925 |
Employee Health/Infection Control |
457-3937 |
Dosher Hospital Foundation |
457-3936 |
Human Resources |
457-3801 |
Laboratory |
457-3851 |
Medical Records (HIM) |
457-3863 |
Privacy & HIPAA Issues |
457-3867 |
Nursing Administration |
457-3950 |
Occupational Therapy |
457-3843 |
Operator (Dial "O" upon greeting) |
457-3800 |
OR - Pre-Op Nurse |
457-3944 |
Endoscopy |
457-3909 |
Patient Accounts/Billing |
457-3810 |
Patient Service Center (Registration) |
457-3816 |
Physical Therapy |
457-3843 |
Speech Therapy |
457-3843 |
Volunteers: |
Main Lobby Volunteer Desk |
457-2800 |
Dosher Flea Market |
457-5620 |