Dosher Employment Center
Career Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in the job opportunities at Dosher Memorial Hospital. Preferred Method of Applying: To proceed in your job search, simply browse our list of current job openings below to see what position interests you. When you have found a position that matches your skills you may click on the position title and it will take you to our online applicant system which will allow you to enter your demographic information and your resume.
We currently employ approximately 320 clinical and non-clinical staff members. At Dosher Hospital, our goal is to be a great place for employees to work, and we strive to employ the very best people in healthcare. Please make note of three important hospital policies: Our Standards of Behavior policy is a description of behaviors and ideals of what we expect of our employees and what our employees can expect of their supervisors. As all employees are expected to agree to our Standards, all job applicants should be willing to meet these Standards before taking time to apply. Please review the link above before applying.
Dosher Memorial Hospital requires the following vaccines, Influenza vaccine, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, if blood test is negative, Tetanus (Td/Tdap) vaccine, if no record, Varicella Vaccine, if blood test is negative and Hepatitis B vaccine or signed declination, if at risk and no record OR record and blood test is negative.
Our current employment opportunities include:
●Cardiac Rehab
●Diagnostic Imaging
●Dosher Memorial Clinic Network
●Health Information Management
●Nursing Assistant
●Occupational Therapist
●Patient Care Unit / Medical Surgical Unit
●Post Anesthesia Care Unit - RN
●Speech Therapist - Speech Language Pathology
●Surgical Services
●Wound Care Center
●x - General Application
How do I apply for positions at Dosher Memorial Hospital?
All of our positions are posted on our website at The Careers tab will take you to all open positions. To apply, click on any position that interests you, then click the link at the bottom of the page "Click Here to fill out our official online application.
What happens after I submit my application?
When you submit application with your qualifications, you will immediately be entered into consideration for the position(s) to which you applied and you will receive an email confirmation that your information was received. Within 24 hours (excluding weekends) Human Resources reviews submitted applications, comparing advertised requirements, preferences, and needs of the position, and determines which applicants meet the requirements and forward to the hiring manager. The hiring manger will contact you directly to set up an interview.
How long is a position open to receive applications?
In general, if a posting is still on our website, it is still open to receive applications.
What is the status of my application? Has the position been filled?
During the review process, you will receive email updates from Human Resources regarding the status of your application.
Can you give me more information about the job, the hiring department, or the hiring manager?
We cannot provide names or contact details of hiring managers. In some cases, the posting may provide a contact person for more information or additional questions.
Will I receive notification if I am not being considered for the position?
Yes, you will receive an email explaining you are no longer being considered for the position.
How do I know if I am qualified for a position when looking at the job posting?
When looking at postings online, pay particular attention to three important fields: "Minimum Education/Experience", "Required Skills", and "Required Licenses/Certifications". Qualified applicants must meet all of the requirements in these fields to be considered for a position. The most qualified applicants will likely also meet some or all of the qualifications listed in the "Preferred Experience, Skills, Training/Education" field.
How long should I expect to wait until I hear back once I've submitted my application?
- submit application (email confirmation within 24 hours) This will include information to let you know if you meet the qualifications and your information is being forwarded to the hiring manager or if your application is not being considered.
- Hiring manager will set up interview with the qualified candidate within 24 hours.
- Hiring manager will interview within 7 days.
- If decision is made not to hire you will receive a letter from Human Resources stating no offer will be made
- Human Resources will contact any candidates with an offer within 24 hours of the decision to hire
Dosher Memorial Hospital is an equal opportunity employer
In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at Dosher Memorial Hospital will be based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. Dosher Memorial Hospital does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or any other classification in accordance with federal, state and local statutes, regulations and ordinances.
Legal information
Dosher Memorial Hospital will maintain your application for as long as legally required. Upon submitting your application we will take every effort to review it for proper consideration. If your qualifications meet the current needs of Dosher Memorial Hospital, our Human Resources Department will contact you.
Drug testing
Dosher Memorial Hospital is committed to providing a safe, efficient, and productive work environment for all employees. To help ensure a safe and healthful working environment, each applicant to whom an offer of employment has been made will be required as a condition of employment to undergo a substance test. Applicants will be asked to read the policy and sign a Pre-Employment Offer and Employee Consent to Drug Screening.
Benefit information
To receive more information regarding our benefits please click here.
Community information
To receive more information regarding our community please click here.