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Types of giving

There are a wide variety of methods by which you can make a contribution to the future of healthcare through the Dosher Hospital Foundation. You should select a method which will work best for you in accomplishing your charitable goal.

The following are some of the possible types of gift vehicles which may be utilized to make a contribution to the Dosher Hospital Foundation: Cash, Personal Property, Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Securities and Life Insurance

Annual Giving Fund:

Because of the annual support of friends like you, Dosher Memorial Hospital can continue to grow and fulfill its mission of providing comprehensive medical care to the citizens of Smithville Township and surrounding that is Patient Focused, Quality Driven, Efficient, and Provided by Professionals.

Please consider participating in one of the following unrestricted Annual Giving Fund donor clubs.

  • Captains Club ($1,000 - $2499 annually)
  • Admirals Club ($2,500 or more annually)

Cumulative Giving recognition (includes pledges)

  • Benefactor ($1M and above)
  • Champion ($100,000 - $999,999)
  • Patrons ($25,000 - $99,999)
  • Founders ($10,000 - $24,999)

Greatest Need Fund:

Contributions will be put to valuable use where the greatest need is at the time of the contribution.

Building Fund:

Contributions will be applied toward necessary hospital construction, expansion and remodeling projects.

Equipment Fund:

Contributions purchase or assist in funding the purchase of medical equipment for the hospital.

Scholarship Fund:

Contributions financially benefit students pursuing careers in healthcare.

Other Funds:

Contributions can be given to a department or service of the hospital, as requested by the donor.