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Foundation Board

The Dosher Foundation's volunteer board of directors is made up of a broad spectrum of community members, and is charged with the responsibility of managing donations and allocating Foundation funds either as directed by the donor or so as to maximize the effectiveness of the contribution.

The members of the Dosher Memorial Hospital Foundation Board are:

Trisha Howarth, Chair

Linda Sharkey, Vice Chair

Tish Hatem, Secretary

Libby Featherston, Treasurer

Barbara Boland, Past Chair

Beckie Armstrong

Lisa Fitzgerald

Jwantana Frink

Beccy Hager

Dana Hamilton

Gail Jackson

Thomas Jarvis

Randy Jones

Mary Locklin

David Miller

Susan Rabon

Ray Raynor

Melanie Roberts

Melody Ryan

Maurice Smith

Foundation Board support

Lynda Stanley, FACHE CEO/President, Dosher Memorial Hospital

Antonette (Toni) McAndrews Foundation Development Specialist